

I'm so attractive
Another quiet day here~

Woke up to some intense coldnes
s that almost kept me from going out. But I went out anyway. I had to go buy bathroom stuff so I take a shower and whatnot. Layered on two jackets and hopped out the door. I forgot that the CVS is always incredibly warm. So that was fun. I forgot to buy myself snacks, but I guess I'll live. I was the first one downstairs at JO's for dinner and the worker bees were so sad that I wasn't dining in because they were bored. They're cuties, I missed seeing them over the break.

Can't really think of what else happened today. I stayed indoors most of the time and watched videos because dang it's cold. Been thinking about video games and how I didn't get to finish Bioshock Infinite before I left vegas so now I have to wait several months to play now. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah well.

Tomorrow will be a fun day~

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